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Arizona Field Ornithologists

Red-faced Warbler. Photo: Scott Olmstead.

AZFO is an organization of birders and ornithologists dedicated to increasing the knowledge of the changing status, identification, and distribution of Arizona's birdlife.


Join the Global Big Day in Arizona

May 10, 2025


If you like to get out in the spring sunshine and count birds, you should sign up to participate in the annual Global Big Day (GBD) spring migration count in Arizona on Saturday 10 May. The GBD, sponsored by eBird, is coordinated in Arizona by Arizona Field Ornithologists and supported by local bird groups and other interested organizations. With hundreds of volunteers in the field we will strive to get a "snapshot" of the spring migration, and most of all have fun!

Learn more about the count here and, if you want to volunteer, check out the list of county coordinators. If you are in a county that doesn't have a coordinator, offer to coordinate our efforts there by contacting the state coordinator, Doug Jenness at

2024 Joint Annual Meeting with
The Western Bird Banding Association! 

CLICK HERE for the Annual Meeting Summary Report!
​​Thank you for joining us as we shared our knowledge, experience, and passion for bird conservation in Arizona and beyond its borders at this year's Annual Meeting in Tucson, AZ. A shout out to the volunteer team, workshop leads, presenters, and keynote for making this event possible!

March's "Species of the Month" is the Ridgway's Rail!


Ridgway's Rail. Photo: Steve Holmes.


Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Photo: Pierre Deviche.

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