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Welcome to our "eBird Gaps" Project!
Help us fill in the gaps in our knowledge of Arizona birds 

  One of our main focuses has always been exploring areas of Arizona where we lack the full picture of the status and distribution birds.  This project introduces a new way for birders to take part in this venture, by contributing their sightings to the global citizen science database, eBird.

To begin, you will need to establish your personal account with eBird, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology birding database, so you can log your bird sightings into eBird.  Many birders have already completed this step --  if you are new to eBird, it should be relatively easy to find a friend to help you get started.  Next, you go birding in any part of the state that currently has only a few (or no) sightings on the map.  When you submit your checklist to eBird, simply use their "share" function (where you can share your list with someone automatically) and "share" with us, using our user name "AZFO gaps".  Your checklist can use any of the eBird protocols  --  stationary, traveling, even incidental.  

So now what you need is a map.  We have selected 5 "Gap" regions, or you can find an under-birded area yourself by searching eBird's Arizona maps.  For much more detail and our maps, 

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