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Participate in North America's Oldest Community Science Effort!

Birding in the Snow. Photo: Scott Olmstead

Arizona Christmas Bird Count

The National Audubon Society has conducted Christmas bird counts since 1900. Volunteers throughout the Western Hemisphere go afield during one calendar day between December 14 and January 5 to record every bird species and individual birds detected within a 15-mile diameter circle. These records comprise an extensive ornithological database that enables monitoring of winter bird populations. Participants are typically assigned to teams based on their bird identification skills and endurance. Many counts in Arizona hold a compilation dinner at the end of the day where results are compiled and experiences shared.

Scroll down to find the resources you'll need to participate in the upcoming CBC season and consider joining a count in a new region of the state.

Christmas Bird Count Map
View a map of all CBCs here and zoom in on Arizona to view the details of individual counts.

Pre-CBC Workshops
A recorded webinar designed for new and seasoned CBC participants and area leaders is available here.

AZ CBC Schedule
The 2024/2025 CBC season has concluded! Stay tuned for the 2025/2026 schedule.

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