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Not Just a Field Trip…AZFO Field Expeditions

We have designed these expeditions with our mission in mind -- to study Arizona’s birdlife.  When you join in a Field Expedition, you are contributing to the understanding of the seasonal status of birds around our state.  We may design an expedition in hopes of observing a single AZ rarity suspected to be in an under-studied region.  We might survey an area to improve our knowledge of the winter distribution of species there.

These are birding field trips with a purpose. What we learn from these Expeditions will contribute to better management of less-well-known tracts around our entire state, for the benefit of birds and the habitat we share. Because we turn to experienced ornithologists to identify areas in need of study,

these outings are citizen science at its best.  We provide leaders, location, and logistics. 

After that, we need YOU --to help gather the data. 


Field Expedition to Search for Breeding Mountain Plovers
May 31- June 2

Field Expedition to the Avra Valley 
April 20-21

On this survey, we will look for owls, thrashers, and all the birds of the Upper Sonoran desert!  

Lake Havasu Field Expedition

Participants raved about Our Winter Field Expedition, a boat trip on Lake Havasu !  The trip was a half-day adventure on January 27, 2024, with  two boats fully subscribed.  The purpose of this survey was to collect data on birds wintering on the lake, to enhance data collected from on-shore reports. 

Some expedition photos, below. 

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White-winged Scoters Paul
Victoria Stein (3)_edited_edited.jpg

Green Kingfisher Expedition: In July of this year (2023), we led a Field Expedition to look for Green Kingfisher in a 6-mile stretch of the Santa Cruz river that is not yet fully open to the public.  Despite the heat, our teams found 14 Green Kingfishers in this new, sensitive stretch of the river!  Our survey results will guide river managers as they work to protect that section of the river.   

For a detailed report on the expedition, 

TwilightRoad-MacFarland 7.jpg

Support AZFO's Field Expeditions and Workshops!

AZFO is committed to enhancing bird identification skills and overall knowledge of distributions of Arizona's birds through Field Expeditions and Workshops. To support these activities we have created a new “Field Expedition and Workshop" Fund to help cover related costs, including trip leader compensation and expense reimbursements, insurances, communications, supplies and equipment, and all other expenditures that the board deems necessary to maintain and improve these programs. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated and would directly support our field expeditions and workshops. To donate, click below and type "Field Expeditions" into the notes section of the donation form.

(AZFO Field Expedition. Photo: Jennie Macfarland)

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